Friday, August 1, 2008

3 weeks and then some!

OH NO! Already we have slacked a bit on her blog!! Well, our little lady is 3 weeks and 3 days already. That means that she is closer to being one month than a newborn - that kind of makes me sad!! This week has been great, we've enjoyed watching her change literally from day to day. Totally amazing. She is really starting to focus on things, especially faces. Still an awesome sleeper and eater, we are so thankful. Here is what we've been up to this week:

Cute pajamas from Grandma, she already fits them really well!

Picture with Abi's cousins Brett & Ben

Abi hanging out on her play gym, along with her buddy Miss Ladybug

Abi still hates taking a bath, but looks really stinkin' cute as a little butterfly!

Hanging out with her two grandmas - life doesn't get much sweeter!

Our great friend, Steven, came all the way from China, just to see Abi! WOW!

Abi and two of her little friends - glow-worm really confuses her when she lights up though!

My favorite picture of Abi this week, she was so content. So awesome to see pure bliss at just being alive. Lots to learn from little, beautiful babies.


D Fam said...

Her eyes are beautiful!! Abi has so many friends already (lady bugs, glow worms, etc.) what a wonderful baby.

Page said...

Such sweet pictures. LOVE the one of her looking up at Daddy.
I haven't seen a glow worm in forever. How funny.

Kristian and Katy said...

i love abi.