Thursday, March 19, 2009

The next best thing...

I really do love making Abi's food. Mainly for two reasons (well, OK maybe three)

1) I love how fresh it is - and I feel way more comfortable tasting the food when I just made it versus coming out of a jar (haha, yep- I taste it all!)

2) I can be creative! Who knew mangos and carrots tasted so well together! I wouldn't know that Abi loved avocados because you can't buy them pre-made (which is understandable, they go brown very quickly!)

3) It has made me more responsible. I am not the most organized person in the world - although I would like to be, it does make life easier - and having to make abi's food ahead of time has really allowed me to practice bettering an aspect of myself in a very practical way. Thanks, Abi!

BUT, I always keep some premade food on hand in the event of an emergency, traveling, or my laziness! This is like why I keep those super easy disposables around too! Tyler Florence, inspired by his own son, developed this brand of baby food called Sprout - and it is amazing. Really cool food combinations, organic, and in this awesome resealable pouch. Wahoo! Tyler Florence was at Central Market in Plano this week, and I was planning to go - and then I missed it because I was thinking it was a different day (there's that super-organized gene revealing itself again!) Oh well.

1 comment:

The Shepard Girls said...

Ok, where do you get those??! Yes, I'm with you on making fresh food, but I ALWAYS have a couple jars on hand for "those" days. But I need to find those Sprouts!

Yes, I think the legs come off. I never really tried. But it is a possessed table. Singing the ABC's at 3am and such. Scary.