Friday, June 12, 2009

Outsmarting the Sock Monkey

IMG_7569How many people are smiling at the mention of a sock monkey?!  I loved my sock monkey growing up, and I was so thrilled to see a “distribution to the masses” at Target in the past month of sock monkeys and other related items.  When my Grandma was down from Michigan last month, she graciously purchased Abi a jack-in-the-box sock monkey.  I was super excited because I love jack-in-the-boxes (and was excited that Target was selling them instead of spending 30 plus dollars on one!) and I love sock monkeys!  Abi really enjoyed the toy – yet her thinking has surpassed the classic toy makers – and this is how our time with the toy is spent now:

“Cute little sock monkey, get back in your home…”


(Shoving the sock monkey back in the box  - can’t quite do it on her own yet, but she sure does try!)



Deciding she doesn’t want to wait the ridiculous 30 seconds for “Pop goes the Weasel” and takes matters into her own hands:

IMG_7566 IMG_7567

What a clever, little cheater!!!


Jan Christiansen said...

And another generation of sock monkey lovers is born! Abi is adorable.

I've been making sock monkeys for a couple of years now. I even have the very same sock monkey Jack-in-the-Box as Abi.

I bet she would like looking at all the pictures of sock monkeys I've made here at Sock Monkey Ranch (

There are over 8 pages of monkeys to look at in the Monkey Gallery.

I hope you'll drop by the ranch and meet them. I'll tell them to be on their best behavior during your visit...but I can't guarantee anything!

Granny Jan

Kristian and Katy said...

hahaha!! so cute :)