Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Downtown Playdate

“The lights are much brighter where, you can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares, and go DOWNTOWN.”

Hehe, I’m laughing at myself while writing this (and singing along in my head) – but I guess it’s because I grew up where going downtown was highly unlikely (it is Detroit after all) – but I never cease to get giddy about going downtown.  And I do this at least once a week.  And we lived down there for 3 years.  It’s silly, I know. 

BUT, after our art class last week (more on that later) Abi & I met up with some friends to checkout the new City Gardens park downtown.  I always try and pass on my giddiness to abi (“see abi, look at all the big buildings” “Big building, momma!”)…and we were quite excited to explore something new.



(yes, sunscreen is a MUST in this dallas of ours)




(are they not just the cutest?!  Poor baby Emma was too busy hanging out with her momma and missed out on the photo op!)

1 comment:

R said...

What a fun adventure! Where in Downtown is that park?