Friday, March 25, 2011

Nate the Great: One Month

Oh my oh my – where does the time fly!  Wednesday marked one month since our sweet little one has been with us!  As I’m sure will continue to be my cry for the rest of their wonderful lives: the time seems to fly by and yet at the same time, beautiful moments are forever captured in my mind and heart.


My darling Nate: You have been growing non-stop!  Will this be a theme of your life?  You came bounding into this world big and you continue to pack on the pounds!  You, thankfully, are a good eater and can take care of business quickly!  Like your sister before you, you tend not to go #2 too much – preferring the cleaner/easier variety for which your daddy & I are so grateful!  You are beautiful, and have taught me so many lessons on pure and true beauty in your life.  You react differently to your sister already – I love that.  Wonderful boy, you are staying awake for longer periods now (if we’re not in the car or in the carrier) you’ll stay awake for about one hour of our three-hour “segments.”  Our days operate in 3 hour increments currently!  I am more relaxed with you as a momma, and I have enjoyed the grace in that so much!  You toot ALL the time!  You are a snuggler.  You’d prefer to be held all of the time.  This can be very tiring and yet very perfect all at the same time!  Your eyes are just lovely.  I love to imagine what you must be thinking.  I think you’re laughing with your daddy already.  You are more peaceful outside, and this brings joy to my heart. 


This month has been significant for our family.  Nights and days look different.  Normalcy and comfort have been shaken a bit – and we’ve lived in the moment a bit more!  Our hearts have grown and we are LOVING loving you, Nate the Great.

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Sissy’s just can’t get close enough…


1 comment:

R said...

I love the little moments that you've captured here. How special it will be for him to someday read this (although he may be slightly embarrassed about tooting all the time). :)