Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Doctor's Visit

Abi had her first Doctor's visit yesterday and she was elected to the all-star baby team. For those of you who haven't ever been to a pediatrician with an infant let me tell you, there are three categories you can get put into... Awesome babies (Abi), Just-Okay babies, and scrawny ugly babies. When Abi showed up and passed her tests with flying colors they gave her a jersey, some tear-aways, and a tizight skull cap. Then the strobe lights kicked on, she was intro'ed by a famous announcer, and awarded a trophy to the aplause of all the other babies!

That would have been great! What actually happened is we waited around for 2 hours to receive 20 minutes of actual care, not too exciting. The good news: Abi has gained her birth weight plus 5 ouces (8lbs. 11 ounces) and doesn't have Jaudice, so that is a plus. Also, with her weight being okay, we can let her start sleeping through the night! Nice!

More cute photos below:

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Kristian and Katy said...

love it!!!
my favorite is the first pic with the doctor. she looks so precious. i want to hold her.


~The Neaves Nest~ said...

what a sweetie!!