Friday, September 12, 2008

2 month Birthday Celebration & Doctor Appointment

We went up on Monday to Donald's parents' house to have dinner and celebrate Miss Abi's 2 month birthday! It was a fun evening with yummy food, cupcakes, pineapple pie, and Starbucks!

Abi waiting for her party to begin...

"It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to."

Abi in her party hat, waiting for us all to eat "her" food.

Yesterdy we had Abi's 2 month doctor's appointment - the one with shots. BOO. I cried almost as much as Abi! I just kept thinking as we were driving there how up until now she really hasn't had any physical pain outside of gas pain. What a pleasant little world. Goodness, that all changed yesterday. She has been such an amazing little trooper though - she was asleep by the time we left the doctor's office and then proceeded to sleep literally (minus her two feedings, and one quick stop at Target) the rest of the day. WHAT??!! She then followed that awesome nap (if you can call it that) by sleeping through the night. We couldn't believe it. I had gotten the baby tylenol and donald took the rest of the day off in preparation for the marathon that we had heard might follow. We are so thankful that our little lady handled everything so well, and that her little body isn't having too many aches in the aftermath. She came in at an awesome 12 pounds, 9 ounces (90th percentile) and was 23 1/4 inches in length (85th percentile). She does have a mild case of cradle cap (as Donald pointed out, that is such a terrible name) - and it might not clear up for months!! Lots of exfoliation.

Abi getting checked out by our awesome pediatrician, Dr. Halsell

Smiling away on the exam table...not knowing what was coming next

After baby pain 101 - with her war wounds to prove it (2 shots in her left thigh, one in her right)


Kristian and Katy said...

OH POOR BABY ABI!!! what a sweet little girl.

D Fam said...

So sorry about your shots Abi! But what a good little girl you are. And such a beautiful smile. Hope to see you guys soon.

Jen W. said...

Those darn shots! I think they do hurt Mom and Dad longer than the baby though....she's darling! Thanks for sharing.

R said...

Abi is so beautiful! I can't wait to hold her again!