Monday, June 13, 2011

Out of the mouth of our babe…


I just think it is the cutest thing when Abi combines words she’s been hearing in ways that make sense, but might not always be the word of choice.


For example, we were having a bit of a tickling war the other morning, and Abi kept saying (don’t worry, it didn’t really hurt!) “Ahh, stop that is horrible!”  “No, really, it’s really really horrible!”  Oh my goodness, I was laughing so hard.  She was saying those phrases over and over in her darling, laughing voice – and my heart just felt good.


Then today: the word was ‘adorable.’  She has been saying all day, “Mommy, is this adorable?”  She’ll do something goofy, or sweet to Nate, and then “Mommy, isn’t that adorable?”  I just laugh and tell her that yes, indeed, SHE is adorable.  Which she followed up with “well, you’re adorable too.”  Oh my, 2 year old girls are just the best!


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