Monday, November 21, 2011

Better late than never: Halloween 2011

For the sake of memories captured…Halloween 2001 was a blast – I think that Abi managed to wear her costume at least 7 times.  It seems as though there is a plethora of things for kiddos to do in Dallas that involve costumes.  Gotta love office work parties / neighborhood gatherings  / fall fun fest / birthday parties / and preschool celebrations…all before the actual craze of Halloween begins!

Fall Fun Fest

Our church puts on a rockin’ evening every year.  We love it!


Abi with her Sunday School teacher, Miss Linda (who moved up with them!  She is so wonderful, and I so appreciate her commitment to teach Jesus’ word and love to these precious 3 year olds!)

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Nate changed costumes many times…it was whatever was free and weather-appropriate.    We tried to keep it “mermaid themed” (we tried to find a fish or crab costume, but we had no luck with one that was age-appropriate and budget-appropriate!)  Meet surfer Nate.


AHH!  I couldn’t get a good one of the girls…because look at Nate’s face in the back.  He needed Momma bad.  Abi and some of her bestest (and stinkin’ cute!) buddies.


Preschool Festival

Complete lack of pictures.  But, interesting commentary.  Exhibit A: A child is grumpy because of sugar and adrenaline overload.  Does not want to pose with friend.  Exhibit B: Sweet child has returned, post nap, and is strangely attached to her candy bag from the day.

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Grocery Shopping

Now, normally I wouldn’t include grocery shopping into blog-worthy things to do on Halloween.  BUT, when you lock your keys in your car at naptime with two children in tow…it becomes blog-able.  True story.  Weird hour or so.  Never been so thankful for some one to break into my car.

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When life hands you lemons…take pictures.  While we waited…

Pre Trick-or-Treating

We have some great friends who live on a cul-de-sac.  Enough said.  Cul-de-sacs are blessings from the Lord during child-rearing years!  Pizza, motorized toys, big wheels, and costumes…the kiddos were in dreamland!


While everyone else was eating pizza, abi snagged the lone jeep.  LOVED it.

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Abi and her buddy, Owen aka Blaze.  I love the 2nd picture when he is so done with taking pictures and ready to be running around again!  Oh, boys.  Abi’s face is priceless.

The Real Deal

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Meet Nate the cowboy.  The mermaid’s above-sea cousin??  A bit of a stretch…






A few days before at the Arboretum…Hope everyone’s Halloween was happy!

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