Friday, April 27, 2012

Abi-babi ballerina

Abi really digs this book titled ‘Ella Bella ballerina’ and hence…the abi-babi.  Just a little bit o’ random.  But, we kind of like that around here.

I have not posted any pictures of my dancing queen.  And QUEEN she is.  She loves to dance, she loves to sing about dancing, I feel like there is something in her that is just released when she dances.  It is just so darn refreshing!


Abi started taking ballet this spring at a super casual rec center.  I think it was an awesome intro for her.  The teacher is organized and encourages excellence…but it’s all done with a layer of “hey, we’re all 3/4 and we’re learning.”  I have really appreciated that.  Who knows what lies in store for her next fall.  But for now…we’re dancing!

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(I love these because they totally capture life post ballet lesson – abi stays in her attire as long as I’ll let her and they just play)

One of our post-class rituals is to crank up the classical music and abi will put on a mini show for nate & I.  (PS – N is not quite ready for the recitals yet, he’s not a very patient audience member)  The show usually includes some sort of dialogue that I make up that must involve a princess/a mean queen / the princess falling asleep / her prince waking her up (do you notice a theme here?)  Nate usually is the prince…what a trooper.

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They change so quickly!!!  Towards the beginning of class and just a few weeks ago (abi is checking out her tear – the sidewalk won that battle)

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The recital is coming soon!  I am prepared to laugh ALOT.  And so many smiles.  Lots of nostalgia and memory-clinging are on our way!

1 comment:

R said...

Abi makes a beautiful little ballerina! I can't wait to see pictures from her recital. So fun!