Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Playmat

Donald gave me a sewing machine as my Christmas gift 3 years ago. Sadly, I am not the whiz that I had hoped. BUT, there is still time! And thankfully I have got some great teachers! This weekend Donald's Mom came over and taught/helped me finish Abi's window treatment for her nursery and we made a playmat for the main room (thank you for the awesome inspiration, Jenny and Brian!). Abi is loving it! And I am loving that I don't have to creatively think of ways to cushion her tumbles and keep her little legs warm while she's close to the hardwood floors. Thank you, Nanny!
Skillfully creating the mat (I haven't asked for permission to share these, so hopefully this is OK! - my hubby is quite talented and is always wonderfully interested in whatever fancy abi and I take on)
Look at those hands a-workin'!
But still very manly...
The mat in action:

1 comment:

Kristian and Katy said...

this is so adorable... especially donald sewing.