Friday, September 9, 2011

Nate the Great at 6 months

So, here’s the good stuff.  The info and the pics of our little man as he ushered in the 2nd half of his first year.


AMAZING.  Our wonderful friends are so kind to take pictures of our Nate!  If you know someone getting married in the DFW area, send them C&L’s way!  I know I’m biased, but they’re fantastic.


Nathanael’s 6 Month Stats

Weight: 18 lbs 14 ounces (75th %) – I guess this is a common phenomenon for breastfed babies who start out quite large.  Around 6 months they start to even out…it’s gotta start sometime!

Length: 29 inches (>97%)

Head Circumference: 45 cm (90%)

Eating: 8-10 ounces 4 times a day (wake up / around 11:30 / after nap / before bed).  Nate began to eat big time food!  He LOVES it!  I mean really, really loves it.  This boy can polish off food.  It is his favorite activity.  Maybe that should make me sad, but it doesn’t.  Apart from smiling, this boy loves to eat!


(I was really trying to show him how it’s done!)

Bedtime: 7:30pm

Awake: 7:30-8:30 PRAISE JESUS!  We would be praisin’ him anyway, but we’re super thankful that Nate has found his “sleep rhythm!”  A good sleeper is such a gift to our whole family!  He has hit his sweet spot and we’re really happy about it!

Naps: Morning Nap (1-2 hours), sometimes a little catnap still if he’s in the car / afternoon nap with sister.  Depending on when he goes down, he still needs a little 30 minute nap in the evening too.

Diapers: size 3, and I think I’ve figured out cloth diapers!  I tried out some prefolds and like them when we’re at home.  I’m not a huge fan when we’re out and about.  I think I just need to realize that I’m going to have to strip my diapers a bit more b/c they’re one child down and tend to get stinky quicker.  But, I’ve come to peace with that and we’re finding our rhythm.  NOW, if we could just get daddy on board all the time :)  He tends to sneak a disposable in…

Clothes: 9 months or  6-9 months (depending on brand)/9 or 12 month sleepers…this boy is LONG, and that makes sleepers a bit tricky, because of their cute “closed toe” feet. *Same as 5 months

Favorites: FOOD & Abi, his momma (yay!), his daddy’s tickles, still Sophie, food, abi’s friends, trees, food, and his jumperoo (I know that’s not a word, but I don’t know how to spell it!), being outside, bouncing on knees, and food.

Latest "tricks": Eating food, Rolling both directions!, sitting up!, and lots of teeth!  He had a tooth explosion this past month – baby boy is sportin’ 7 teeth in his little mouth right now!  What a fella.


His 6 month birthday celebration was supposed to include an apple tart…yet when I started to get going…Nate started crying.  I didn’t think I’d be a very good momma to birthday boy if he was mega mad while I was preparing something that was supposed to be celebrating him.  Didn’t make sense :)  So, they stayed as apples.  Oh well.  Managed expectations!



How they spend most of their day…just looking at each other.  They make me smile.  (Oh, and drive me crazy too!)


1 comment:

Amy said...

So sweet! Keep them coming for those of us now far away!