Tuesday, August 11, 2009

We are living in a material world…

Oh, and please don’t let my baby be a material girl.  Ugh, we went to the mall today (in hopes of going to the library – YES, it’s awesome there’s a library in Northpark) – but it is closed on Tuesday!  Boo.  So, we just strolled around.  Well, let me correct that – we attempted to stroll.  I got a bit of a tutorial in how well Abi minds me.  Hmmm, not so well it turns out.  Hear: “Abi, this way baby.”  See: Abi head in the opposite direction.  Oh, realizing that your child most definitely has a mind of their own.  But, baby girl loved clothes shopping with momma.  She loved the colors, loved the textures, and was really confused by the headless manikins in the stores.    She cracked me up in the dressing room.  She was quite smitten with herself in the mirror, and tried to escape on me!  What a little character.



Kristian and Katy said...

hehe. sounds fun. looking forward to learning some tips from you!

The Shepard Girls said...

yeah, is it bad that Savannah loves to go to Payless Shoes? I mean, I don't think there's a whole lot you can do with an inherent love of shopping. LOVE the picture of abi escaping!