Friday, June 5, 2009

Pat the Bunny

I love classics.  Really, I do.  I can’t wait to read Pride & Prejudice, the Little House on the Prairie series, etc. to Abi.  But, I am currently SICK of this little classic.  I would be quite content if this little book never entered our house.  Abi adores this book.  We could read this every day, during every reading session and she would be content.  Ahhh, here is where selflessness comes in.  I try and try and try to encourage other books (and quite often I win just due to who' is stronger and actually makes the ultimate decision!) but in trying to encourage Abi’s independence and making decisions – often she chooses our book.  And here is the running favorite.


Unknown said...

uh oh...we have this book in our collection!

Brian & Jenny said...

We miss our little niece Abi SO much! We can't believe we haven't seen her since the beginning of March. We MUST all get together soon. We haven't seen Abi crawl yet, and I'm sure she'll soon be walking. :( We love you and miss you guys! Give Abi a BIG hug and kiss from her family in H-town. :)

Angela said...

someday... someday... she will move on, but there will likely always be a favorite- right now it is Pinkalicious in our home:)
Oh the joys:)