Friday, January 15, 2010

Worthy of leaving the dinner table…

Abi-girl is in water-mode.  Favorite activity in the house right now?  The jury is still out on that one, but quite possibly the answer will be YES!  We love to color in the bath, read books in the bath, practice swimming in the bath, experiment with pouring water out of different objects, you name it.  Great innovation comes out of bath time!  As Abi and I were sitting down for dinner the other night, I thought she was pretty much done, as she was mostly just playing with her food (a habit that we are  trying to discourage!) – so I asked her, “Abi are you all done?”  “Noooo,” was the quick response from baby.  AHA!  I changed my question a bit, “Abi, do you know that when we’re all done with dinner, we’re going to go and take a baaaath?”  Hehe, I’m so sneaky.  So, after a moment of revelation flashed across her face… “all done!!!” with words and sign was abi’s change of heart!  Oh, how I love her.



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