Monday, November 30, 2009

Showing Thankful (a lesson from abi)


Teaching thankfulness is hard work.  Mommas and poppas have a hard task in that area!  I think it is learned through modeling.  But, probably a bit comes through sweet hearts too.  This thanksgiving season I have been desperate to try and teach abi thankfulness.  Wanting to interact with her on levels that are a bit over where baby girl is developmentally right now.  Loving when her little “ankssss” comes after a gentle reminder of “what do we say to show we’re thankful to someone?”  So, I had to have yet another lesson to cherish where she is right now.  To not long for days when abi and I have can have conversations about being thankful and living that daily.  And then – I just watched.  Abi shows she’s thankful.  It does sometimes take prodding (wink, wink), and it comes through observing (reminder to myself and donald!), but she shows it.  Through hugs, via smiles, in quiet content moments.

Sweet baby, we are so thankful for you.


1 comment:

Jen W. said...

Happy belated Thanksgiving to your family and Chris's. Hope that you were able to celebrate together!!