Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Class Fieldtrip? Check.

I was telling a friend today that I had one of those strange, out-of-body experiences this past Tuesday…because I took my son and chaperoned my daughter’s fieldtrip.  I took who and did the what now?!?!  Surely I’m repeating a sentence of my mother. 


(oops, forgot camera – thank goodness for phones!)

When the State Fair is in town, Abi’s school 1) visits the fair during the first week 2) Takes field trips during the second week and 3) has no school during the third week!  We’re in week two of the good ol’ Texas State Fair and so we’re fieldtripin’!

Destination: John Bunker Sands Wetland Center

SO GREAT!  The school has done a great job finding (additional) really interesting places that promote nature and inquiry based learning.  This little gem was just 40 minutes away and we felt like we got a little retreat from urban living.  Wide open spaces / Horses & Cows on the side of the road / country music at the gas station – it was a treat.

We started our time with a discussion of habitats and each picked an animal (abi was a butterfly, a monarch I believe) and stood in the state of Texas (as represented by a large rope in the shape of Texas).  When different events happened (drought, farming, etc) their habitat shrunk – and they either had to squeeze or leave.  Pretty cute to watch (I was squeezed out early due to my initial pan handle location)


Then into the classroom to talk about insects and different tools they’d be using to collect them!


Then back outside to do the good stuff – getting dirty and collecting water samples!



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Mr. John & Miss Linda (who is from Michigan!) taught them what to look for: things on top – things swimming in the middle – and things that have sunk to the bottom.  These sweet 3&4 year olds were way into being field scientists!


Back in the lab…Nate was such a good buddy.  Just along for the ride.


I highly recommend going.  Such a cool place with a great staff.  Our last outing before we headed out, a bird watch/walk out in the wetlands.


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