Friday, October 21, 2011

Trip II – Fort Worth Zoo

We love making the short jaunt down I-30 to visit Fort Worth.  Good people, good sights, always a good time!  This time we made the journey with a class load of 3&4 year olds!


Our welcome to the Fort Worth Zoo: Abi had been saying that she needed to go to the bathroom (my fault for the coffee shop stop on our way out of our neighborhood)…I asked her if she could make it to the cool zoo bathroom – and that seemed like a good idea to her.  Which was a relief to me, because we have an annoying tendency of running late, and stopping at a bathroom wouldn’t help that situation!  So…we made it to our parking spot…I was popping up the double stroller…and Abi peed on the front seat.  Thank God for leather.  Seriously.  I literally stood there with my mouth open.  I didn’t know what to do.  I don’t bring extra clothes with me anymore – and we were in FORT WORTH.  And this girl had been drinking a lot of fluid that morning.  Amazing solution: her phenomenal teachers had thought ahead and brought a change of clothes for girls & boys.  Oh happy day.  We were back in business.

Oh silly me once again…left the good camera in the car.  Thank you, iphone.  You have come to my rescue yet again.

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I mean, I just love her…we’re two peas in a pod…we both just love the zoo.  I love sharing that with her.  As silly as that sounds, it’s just a momma-daughter thing.


Nope…not gray flamingos…flamingo babies!  They’re at the Dallas Zoo too!  (You knew I was going to get a plug in somewhere!)


Two bonobos…they were awesome!  They just played in front of the window while abi & I watched, what a treat!! (What’s a bobobo?  Think chimpanzees, and then add in a bit more interesting – in my opinion)


Always in for a good time…such a trooper!!!

I was so excited to visit the MOLA (Museum of Living Art…they’re ROCKIN’ reptile & amphibian building)…it did not disappoint!  We’re so excited to take Donald out so he can share in the awesome-ness.  I know he is just as excited as we are.





Abi and her friend, Abigail…they were in parakeet heaven.


Oh sweet darling Abi…sharing these memories with you is such a treat.  You just make me smile and appreciate goodness.

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