Thursday, October 6, 2011

Nate the Great at 7 months

And yet again…the 23rd of the month has come and gone.  And I continue to be surprised.  OH, how I love this little fella!  He brings such joy to our family and such a tenderness to my heart.  Love.


I love all of these pictures b/c they show him how he is…BUSY!  So, they’re all blurred.  But, there’s something wonderful in that!

Weight: Don’t know exactly, I’m guessing between 19.5 and 20 lbs.

Length: 29 inches (at 6 months…let’s say 1/2 inch more!)

Head Circumference: 45 cm (at 6 months – probably the same?!)



Eating: 8-10 ounces 4 times a day (wake up / around 11:30 / after nap / before bed).  This boy still LOVES to eat!  And he is quite impatient!  He will start to get a.n.g.r.y if he does not receive nutrition at the proper time (according to Nate).  He loves sweet potatoes the most.  And he prefers them baked (just like the animals at the zoo).

Bedtime: 7:00-7:30pm

Awake: 7-7:30-The glory days have gone away.  There is an occasional 8:00 or 8:30 thrown in there, but they are not the norm.  Oh well.  Those mornings with Abi really are special and we treasure them, when it is just the two of us.  We are still working on them sleeping consistently in the same room.  They’ve both been battling colds – which makes for more frequent wake-ups in the night – which leads to the pack ‘n play being brought out of retirement.

Naps: Morning Nap (1-2 hours), sometimes a little catnap still if he’s in the car / afternoon nap with sister.  No more evening cat naps.  Just grumpy if he woke up from the afternoon too early!

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Diapers: size 3, and cloth when we’re at home.  If we’ll be out all morning – it’s just easier to throw him in a disposable.  So, we try to stick to the organic ones.  But not all the time…our house is always in “reality” mode!

Clothes: 9 months or  12 months (depending on brand)/ 12 month  and 18 month (haha, if they’re hand-me-downs and have been washed many times!)sleepers…this boy is LONG, and that makes sleepers a bit tricky, because of their cute “closed toe” feet.

Favorites: FOOD & Abi, jumping in the jumperoo, being outside! and “singing.”  Bouncing on knees (remember “the Noble Duke or York?!), snuggles with his momma , laughing and doing shenanigans with his daddy

Latest "tricks": Eating more complex food, sitting for longer periods of time, and working on the crawling motion.  I think I’m an enabler.  Hopefully that’ll be in our 8 month report (that’s when Abi crawled) – but if not…it’ll happen eventually.  And let’s be honest – they’re pretty easy when they just hang out.  The crazy starts when they can move on their own!


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