Thursday, October 27, 2011

Nate the Great at 8 months

Weight: Still don’t know exactly, I’m guessing right around 20 lbs.

Length: anyone’s guess again…I’ll go with 29-30 inches!

Head Circumference: 46ish cm (why am I estimating head circumference???


Eating: 8-10 ounces 4 times a day (wake up / around 11:30 / after nap / before bed).  Eating is Nate’s favorite.  He has a great palate (like his sister, thankfully!) We started introducing some more “chunky” foods…they produce the best faces.  He can’t decide what to think about the new texture!  Cottage cheese has definitely gotten the best face this month!  Favorites…still really digs anything orange.  Yay for fall and that means yay for squash.  He’s loved pumpkin lately.


Bedtime: 7:00-7:30pm

Awake: ALL over the place…he’s been waking up at 6ish (but according to me his days don’t start until 7, so unless he’s really upset, he hangs out in his crib until 7…same rule with abi when she was a baby and she turned out OK!).  Many days he finds his way back to sleep, and stays in sleepy land until around 8.  However, his 6 o’clock alarm clock has led to abi waking up at 6.  Not so hot.  She usually sleepily wanders out of her room, and we escort her to our bed.  Half the days she goes back to sleep and the other half she reads books until 7.  The growing pains of figuring out sharing a room.  We still think it’s worth it.  It’s led to us really praying through (again) our motivations for them sharing a room.  That’s probably the reason for the early wake-ups…more prayer is always a good thing! 

Naps: Morning Nap (1-2 hours) – he is SUCH a good buddy in this area…as I type he’s getting to take his nice long morning nap in his crib while sister is at school / sometimes the reality is that his morning nap comes for 30 minutes in the car and 30 minutes again after errand/church/playdate/whatever…thankful for his flexibility.  And then afternoon nap with Abi.  This is non-negotiable.  I need that bit of time when the house is quiet again.  Even for a 30 minute overlap.  Those 30 minutes are life-giving!


Diapers: size 3, and cloth when we’re at home.  If we’ll be out all morning or afternoon– it’s just easier to throw him in a disposable.  Life being simple, this is a good rule.

Clothes: 9 months or  12 months (depending on brand)/ 12 month  and 18 month (haha, if they’re hand-me-downs and have been washed many times!)sleepers…this boy is LONG, and that makes sleepers a bit tricky, because of their cute “closed toe” feet. *same as 7 months

image  image

Favorites: FOOD & Abi (I imagine this will be permanent for a bit!), “CRAWLING!!” – see below, SWINGING, having dance parties, and practicing his singing and speaking!  Tickles on bellies, and anything that his sister is playing with…oh, enter in the crazy reality of sharing.  Life’s about to change again, my Abi-girl. 

Latest "tricks": CRAWLING!!  Yay, our Nate is mobile!  This is a sweet time.  He is not so mobile where he is discontent being held or sitting in the stroller (hallelujah on those things!) – but the boy can move around!  He rocks a lot on all fours and then will start to put one hand – then one knee – then one hand – etc.  SO FUN to watch and participate in.  Abi is a great cheerleader and leader by example!  Abi’s been crawling a lot around the house these days too, in an effort to motivate Nate!  He doesn’t really do the army crawl – it’s something in between – I need to work on labeling it.  Or maybe there’s no need…it’s just the way he moves!


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